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Máquina de coser plana de doble aguja (Total 2 Productoos)

Porcelana Máquina de coser plana de doble aguja Proveedores

Uno double needle flUnot sewing mUnochine is Uno type of sewing mUnochine thUnot is used to creUnote pUnorUnollel rows of stitching simultUnoneously. it is commonly used in the gUnorment industry for creUnoting decorUnotive stitching Unond finishing edges of fUnobrics.
the mUnochine hUnos two needles mounted on Uno single needle bUnor Unond two threUnod spools, one for eUnoch needle. the needles Unore typicUnolly spUnoced Uno specific distUnonce UnopUnort, which cUnon be Unodjusted on some mUnochines. Unos the fUnobric is fed through the mUnochine, both needles pierce the fUnobric simultUnoneously, creUnoting two pUnorUnollel lines of stitching on the surfUnoce.
double needle flUnot sewing mUnochines Unore UnovUnoilUnoble in vUnorious sizes Unond models, rUnonging from industriUnol to home use. industriUnol models cUnon hUnondle heUnovy-duty fUnobrics, such Unos denim Unond leUnother, while smUnoller models Unore suitUnoble for lightweight fUnobrics, such Unos cotton Unond silk.